Our Approach

Photo Credit: Seychelles Seagrass Mapping and Carbon Assessment project

Research and capacity building 

LaSMMI) will engage in-country, regional, and international partners to advance the understanding of seagrass spatial extent and strengthen regional expertise in seagrass mapping and conservation. Specifically, LaSMMI will: 

  • Work with scientists in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Madagascar to develop a field-verified seagrass map for the WIO, providing a baseline for accelerated conservation and management throughout the region.

  • Increase seagrass research capacity regionally through training workshops that support field verification, data collection, and analysis. 

Policy & Conservation

LaSMMI will enhance local and national awareness and policy capacity for seagrass conservation, highlighting its importance for climate adaptation and mitigation.

LaSMMI, in close coordination with Fauna & Flora in Kenya, Wetlands International in Tanzania, and Likhulu Foundation in Mozambique, and The Pew Charitable Trusts, will provide technical guidance on multiple avenues by which conservation and management of seagrass, and other “blue carbon” ecosystems can be included within countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement and associated UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) instruments.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

By the end of 2026:

  • A standardized seagrass map for the Indian Ocean will be developed and field-validated for at least four targeted countries.

  • Regional technical capacity for seagrass mapping, knowledge sharing, and field data collection will be enhanced.

  • Meaningful progress towards the inclusion of seagrass in the NDCs of countries will be achieved.