Universite de Toliara team. Photo Credit: LaSMMI
Dr. RANIVOARIVELO Lantoasinoro N.
Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Fisheries and Marines Sciences at the University of Toliara, Madagascar.
Lantoasinoro Ranivoarivelo teaches and researches marine botany (macroalgae, mangroves, and seagrasses), and supervises students at the Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD levels. She is the Head of the Blue Carbon Ecosystem Laboratory within the institute and leads several research projects at both local and national levels, focusing on the conservation and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems (mangroves and seagrass meadows).
Aina Le Don Nomenisoa
Head of the Madagascar Oceanographic Data Center (MD-NODC), Institute of Fisheries and Marines Sciences at the University of Toliara, Madagascar.
Aina Le Don Nomensoa is a remote sensing scientist and cartographer with over ten years of experience applying geospatial data to marine and coastal management. His work has supported organizations in identifying suitable locations for marine protected areas, planning coastal infrastructure, resolving marine spatial conflicts, and monitoring the health of marine ecosystems. Aina’s expertise includes oceanography, ecological monitoring, data analysis, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).